Monday 20 May 2013

Topico 3 - Game Review

Tropico 3 is sort of a cross between a RTS game and a city builder. It's more about the economics. It's main points are, earning money for your country, and keeping the citizens of your country happy. And focuses less on actual warfare. So there's very little action but in terms of a RTS game it's right up there with the best. 
You can earn money through starting up industries, like mining ores, oil, plantations like tobacco and sugar, tourism, logging camps. 
You are El Presidente and you have to hold the throne! You can either do it completely legally cause your citizens love you, or not so legally and bribe them...
You can issue orders to kill people, if you have rebel groups forming around the country acting against you, you can easily have them killed : D 
You have to keep the alliance between the USSR and USA or they will attack you. The thing about that is that you don't actually get to see anything or fight back. It just pops up with a message that their military ships are around your island and you have to do something about it. 
You get natural disasters like tornadoes and earthquakes, but again, you don't see it, that well apart from your screen shaking, you just get a message saying a few buildings have collapsed.
Apart from that it's a really addictive game : D 
Again one of those games that you play for hours like it's nothing : D 
I recommend it, so go try it out : D 

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