Saturday 11 May 2013

Oblivion - Game Research

I must say that Oblivion did have some influence on my ideas. 
I love it, it's one of those games that I keep coming back to after being disappointed by playing other games D: It's old, and the graphics aren't that great BUT they're not too bad and it's just an amazing game. I can't explain it, you just have to play it to understand! I mean even Skyrim isn't half as good as this is, come on you know it's true. Everyone that played Oblivion, and then Skyrim knows that Elder Scrolls IV is much, much better. Mainly because it's got a better storyline... side quests are a lot more complex too compared to skyrim, it isn't just get this and go deliver it to someone else. I mean I could sit here all day comparing the two but this isn't the purpose of this post :')
What I love is the overall look of the game, very old fashioned, old fashioned houses, furniture props. And all of this covered in nice soft textures. All that sets the right mood for the game. 

If you haven't played it and you don't know what I'm on about, here's a few pictures i got off google :')

Here you see the old fashioned wooden house, with wooden furniture etc. 

You obviously get the everyday chairs and stuff in houses, but every now and then when you go into a fort or a cave you find these awesome things and this is what I mainly looked at when doing my research. I like these creepy looking things. There is nothing wrong with a bone pillar, or anything like that!  
Another thing I like is the lighting, the tiny moonlight breaking thorough the rocks, bouncing off the cobwebs, and lots of candles. 

Now I sort of know how it's done, I see how simple are the shapes of those desks and chairs, and I must say when I do realize how simple it is, I fear less of making my own stuff. Before looking at things I was worried that my things won't be complicated enough cause I'm still pretty much a noob at Maya. But now I think I'll be fine!

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