Thursday 21 May 2015


I was actually quite excited to hear this.
It is definitely something I will get my hands into once I have a minute. 
Pixar's rendering software is free to download for anyone. 
You can work with what they used for Toy Story or even Pacific Rim and see what you're capable of.
I think some great pieces could be created with it and I can't wait to get stuck in.
Like with every software it's free unless you want to make money from your artwork. I am not at the moment so I am planning on making the best out of it ^^ 
There are probably many tutorials on it already so it should be easy to get my head around it.
I figured that after working with similar things for so long learning a new software comes very easy. Simply because you get your head around all the terms and names. And even having a lot of bad situations happen teaches you so much because you learn how to work your way around things and sometimes, even in a different software when something similar arises it's very easy to get out of it. 
Before I was always scared having towork with different software and now I skip from one to another like it's nothing. 
I think it's a good thing because if I am to get a job somewhere creative and they throw a new software at me I haven't seen before I shall take it like a soldier and within a week or so already know my way around it. 

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