Monday 4 March 2013


When it came to the sound I knew straight away what music I'm going to have in the background.

Everyone knows it, and everyone associates it with Star Wars!
There doesn't seem to be a more suitable music than this!

When it came to the Darth Vader talking... it became a little more difficult.
I have a Darth Vader mask but it's not a high quality sound so I decided not to use that.
I searched the internet for a few tutorials, and to sum up, download Audacity, a free sound editing and recording program. Record your sound, open it in Audacity, and change the pitch if you need to, and add a bit of echo. 

I also needed a "dun dun DUUUNNNNNNN" sound effect too.
I've looked through many of them and some of them too slow, or too fast etc.
But this one is perfect!
So this is what I've used in my video. 

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