Monday 4 March 2013


And so I started my animation adventure.
I deattached the head and placed the two in their position just like I planned in my storyboards.

Everyone advised me to do all the movement first and then worry about the cameras etc. But I preferred doing everything at once, because then I was sure that all the movement is correct and in the right place. I could also play it back whenever I wanted and I saw what the finished piece would look like. 

To make sure the arms and legs are rotating from the right point I had to move the pivot to the shoulder on the arms, and the hip on the leg. 

But that created a problem when it came to the scene where the body picks up the head. 

It wasn't parented properly and the arms, even though I keyed them in the right position before I did anything, decided to stay in this position throughout the whole thing!  I must say that it was the worst thing that happened to me throughout the whole process. Because at first I could not find anything to fix it. 

And that is obviously if you don't count the rendering...

I was lucky to check how it's actually rendering at the beginning rather than wait for hours. Turns out I rendered it through the wrong camera and that was the reason for this. 

But these are the only major problems I came across. The rest went pretty smooth.

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