Sunday 3 March 2013

Animation - Research

When thinking about animating my Darth Vader I was considering everything that could go wrong and how I could fix it. This time I was wondering how I'm going to portrait emotions... since if the character is wearing a mask they show their emotions through the body language. But in my case, the body is separate. So I watched a few cinematics to see if by any chance the masks do move their "eyebrows" or eye lids, or anything like this.

Aaaaaand after watching quite a few of the different cinematics hoping for something it turns out the answer is no. They do not portrait the emotions through the masks in any way... just the head shaking etc. So I think I'll have to do it my way but not go over the top, and just add eye lids. Just because on top of his head shaking I'll be able to make him look a lot more angry through the eye lids. 

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