Saturday 2 March 2013

3D Animation - Research

Meet Buck is a very influential piece, whilst doing research I could see this name popping up everywhere eg it influenced "Mac 'n' Cheese". You can see that it's a similar style. They also went for the 2D look, the textures are very similar.  I must say that I found it hilarious, I couldn't stop laughing, my favourite part is in the tunnel, when the couple is about to kiss... not only the tongue sticking out but also the little "scene" that goes on in the father's head. Also the sound effects to that made it 100000 times funnier.
 It is a really great piece in every aspect I would say. The timing of each shot combined with the music, the lighting, the sounds. It doesn't have conversations in it, it is just pure music and occasional sound which is a great choice for this piece. I think if there was any talking in this it would ruin the effect it has. It lets you concentrate more on what's going on.
Also another thing I must comment on is that because of the choice of texturing they've chosen they probably saved a lot of time having to deal with the fur on all the animals which apparently ( because I've never tried it personally ) is a very tricky thing to do.
To sum up... Humour + amazingly looking animation is a way to go! : D

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