Wednesday 4 March 2015

Tokarnia, Poland

I remember visiting a museum with my parents when I was little. 
It's a really amazing place, there is this village back from years and years ago that they've just preserved so you walk around these little houses and mills and things looking at how people used to live back in the day. 
It's quite amazing because the tools and all the furnishings are there and you just wonder, how did they manage I wouldn't be able to live here. It's weird how the standards change over the years. 
It's very useful when creating a similar space so I don't over complicate things. 
Because lets face it, people didn't have much years and years ago. They only had what they needed. A bed, a table, a bucket, some chairs etc :') It has to be kept very simple.
Another thing is that you realize how important religion was in peoples lives. There are little religious things all over the place. It's like people feared something constantly so they needed to protect themselves, there are either religious paintings, or sculptures or crosses on the wall. Also outside you see the same things every so often. And this is definitely something I want something around my lake town because that's exactly what I want my player to feel when they're walking around my environment.

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