Tuesday 30 April 2013

Initial Research

Here I had a look at all sorts of concept art. And these are the ones I liked the most! : D

When I considered doing my other planet idea I was going to do like a similar, floating island thing... So this is why I looked at these sort of things. What most of them have and I really love, are those waterfalls! I love the effect of it falling for so long that it spreads into nothing... Also The fact that they have to be so huge, and very detailed for it to look amazing. You can obviously tell that my favourite is the middle one. This architecture, those bridges and tons of little house islands floating around and the shadows and highlights of the awesome sky! Not even one wrong thing I could say about this piece. Just, pure awesomeness. 
Even though the top one isn't as detailed and there isn't as much going on, I still love the overall effect of the silhouettes and the moonlight shining through the little windows.
I just wanted to comment on this one because I love the simplicity of the image. It must be one of the greatest ways to knock out some basic concept art. I always fear that I won't be able to present what my idea is but obviously, it's possible. 

 I love the colours and the overall feel of this concept art. I looked at those sort of pieces because I think I will put a sort of forest scenery outside of my environment. So you will be able to see it when looking out of the window. And I believe I want it to be similar to this, very creepy trees, maybe even darker than this piece though. I think I will place my event in the middle of the night, so you can see the awesome moon light casting shadows on my environment, through the windows. So something like the image below... but darker :')

 I have been staring at this piece for ages when I found it. It is truly amazing! I love the sunrise effect of the Sun shining just on the top of the buildings at this moment in time. It makes it that bit more interesting than normal light etc. The birds flying sort of, away from the building gives me an impression that this 'city' is just waking up and coming to life. And because the sun rays hit the tops of the mountains first the birds were the first to awake. 

I also had to rant about this beautiful concept art just because I love the whole in space ideas. And also I believe it's a bit relevant since I was planning on doing something like this. I really like the colour pallet used here. It creates a cool contrast and makes the ruined city, really stand out. And obviously my favourite, the big planet in the sky : D 

So that'll be enough of my ranting for this post c: 

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