Friday 26 April 2013

Initial Ideas

When I started thinking about what I'm going to do. 
I actually thought of getting one of my favourite stories from a book and creating an environment for that but I put this idea to the side for a bit... just while i considered my own ideas. 
So things that came in mind is stuff like crazy things/people in some cabin in the woods. Airplane crash. Swamps and old old castle dungeons... And lots more. But the idea that really stood out from the crowd was the one of a different planet, sort of similar to ours but completely abandoned. Where you would walk down the once busy streets in between these tall buildings with no signs of any human in sight, dead or alive. I believe it's scarier to not know what is actually going on rather than seeing lots of blood everywhere. It makes you think more about how could tons of people suddenly disappear with no clues left behind. I would want there to be seen a huge other planet, in the sky. Just like you do in halo when you look up : D 
The reason why I didn't go with this idea, even though I really like it is because it would have to be a huge environment, and I'm not sure if I'd be able to do it up to my own standards. I thought it's be better for me to do a smaller environment so I can understand how it all works and do a project like this one in my spare time, when I'm a little more experienced.

And so here I am, made my mind up to create a scary lab. 
I'm gonna leave clues around the environment but the player will not be completely sure what's actually going on. Like the overall basic story is that he created something and it went wroooong. I have it all planned out in my head already. But I'll let you know how and exactly what I'm going to do a little later on. 
: D

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