Saturday 27 April 2013

Amnesia - Game Research

I wanted to play amnesia for ages, and lately my friend informed me, that it's actually on sale on steam for £3... so I thought it's a sin not to buy it for that price. And so here it began! 
I was sat here in the dark with all possible speakers up and running to make it the greatest gaming experience ever! It wasn't the greatest experience but it's still near the top!
Since I'm in the process of doing this brief and creating an environment that people will FEAR in I started paying attention to what makes this game so scary. 
I have noticed that the first thing they do is that placebo effect, they tell you that you will see things, very scary things... and when you do RUN!!!!! They let you know that you stand no chance against them and the only way to survive is to run into the darkness ( which makes it worse) and crouch and hope they can't see you. But they can see you, always, well me anyway I never seem to successfully hide no matter what I try, wardrobes behind stuff or just keep running forever. I must say that if you pick up a chair for example and hit the monster that is chasing you with it, he seems to kill you slower : D 
Back to the subject though.. The other thing that makes it a really scary game is the sounds and music, that pretty much makes it because you can hear your own heartbeat getting faster and faster, and so does the breathing. It raises your heartbeat in real life! 
Every now and then you will hear that awfully awful evil creepy laugh in the background too, that automatically makes me think they're behind me and i start running!
What I thought it a smart thing... there is a lot of mirrors throughout the game, but they're all broken so you don't actually have to worry about creating the character for the game. 
The game also echoes a bit, every now and then I will hear steps behind me and because I'm scared I will believe it's not actually my own steps echoing. Also you can hear the wooden floor cracking sometimes above you and sometimes right next to you, so that's another thing that really makes you jump. 
When you come around to visiting lab's and other rooms, you see tables with torture tool scattered around and body parts and bones so that's alright. 
I also loved the monster you meet in the flooded part, not sure what his name is. You cannot actually see him, is the thing so you just let your imagination go but you can see him moving around by water splashes and all, and you can see that he's following you everywhere! Obviously the first time I landed in this place i died within like 5 seconds because I just tried hiding instead of trying to stay out of the water. I didn't really know what's happening till I saw my own blood spreading in the water...
But out of all the scary things, the worst has to be the baby crying in the background! 

Apart from that, graphics wise... the game is old so it's not that good but you really don't care cause it's just so amazing. Also you don't see it most of the time anyway cause you run out of oil really fast... so it doesn't really matter! So don't even attempt to complain about the graphics, ever. I am one of those people that won't care about the looks of the game as long as the gameplay and the storyline is good. And amnesia is veeery veeery goooood.

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