Saturday 27 April 2013

Concept Art Research - Tomb Raider

I was always a fan of Tomb Raider, I believe it was one of the first ever games I played to be honest... on the pc, awful graphics, very square boobs etc. Nope sorry not square, they were just pointy... very pointy.
But yeah back to the subject. I looked at some concept art they did on Tomb Raider aaaaand these are my favourite pieces. 
I think what makes this work is the size, size matters. Big tombs and creepy places are very scary, after playing amnesia I'm scared of empty spaces, I fear that things are just waiting to jump out of nowhere and kill me D: But I'll save that rant for another post.
Also what is very common throughout those is rays of sun and maybe moon which gives you those awesome shadows that make things even more scary!
Also a cobweb here and there never fails.
I think those vines and roots and big trees give it awesome character, those scary looking silhouettes are always common throughout games and movies. It's because even though it's nothing your brain will make it look like something! That's why limited light is also very important for this process to take place!

Even though Tomb Raider isn't actually in any way, a scary game I decided to talk about it just because of the points I mentioned. I believe it doesn't need to be a scary game to use such techniques. 

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