Friday 20 February 2015

Choosing a story

Just so my environment has a litle bit of a purpose maybe an aim of the game, I needed a story. 
Also It will give me a little more guidance so I don't get lost with what I'm creating.

I always make abandoned things because, i don't know I'm creepy like that. I love making dark mysterious places, it's just my thing :') 
So I needed a reason why it's abandoned, maybe leave little hints around the place to give players a clue to what might have gone down. 

I thought of the Salem's Lot story by Stephen King. Little towns one by one are being completely wiped out and nobody seems to know why. The story takes place in Salem's Lot which slowly is becoming less and less populated.

Another story I considered is the one of Vlad the Impaler. He used to kill off little villages very often it seems.

Another thing I considered is the true story of a colony on a Roanoke Island.

"The fate of the final group of colonist's has never been determined." Simply speaking, they disappeared off the face of the planet, and nobody knows what happened to them. Scientists and archaeologists have been trying to figure it out for years and they still have no answers. 

In 1587 Raleigh dispatched a group of colonists to establish a colony on Chesapeake bay. 
Later on Raleigh named 12 assistants to aid in the settlement, they were ordered to travel to Roanoke to check on the settlers. But when they arrived on July 22 1587 they found nothing but a skeleton that may have been the remains of of the English garrison. When they failed to find anyone the fleet's commander insisted that they stay on the island and start a new colony. His motive remains unclear. The colonists feared for their lives, so they persuaded the commander to go back to England. Left behind were about 155 colonists. On August 18, 1590 another ship sailed to Roanoke but found it deserted. The men who arrived could not find any of the 155 people that were left on the island the time before. What was surprising though was the fact that there was no sign of a battle or struggle. The only clue was the word "Croatoan" carved into a post of the fence aronund the village, and "Cro" carved into a tree. Apparently all the houses had been dismantled, which shows that their departure had not been hurried. Apparently someone told the people in the colony to carve a Maltese cross on a tree if anything was happening to them, not finding that they assumed that they moved to a "Croatoan Island"
Another option is that a Native Americans attacked them.
Yet another possibility is that the group was living among the group of Natives.
Some say that someone called Chief Powhatan was responsible for slaughtering the colony.
There are many mysteries around this story and I think it's a good opportunity. I will twist it to my liking so I can figure out what clues to leave behind etc.

One idea to their disappearance was obviously, aliens. It always comes down to aliens with me. I could have markings and drawings as well as altars.
Another option would be some sort of sea monster, I would have a long bridge going into the middle of the lake with an altar at the end of it. I would have the windows facing the lake itself barred to show the people feared it. I would have fun with leaving the little clues behind.
I will think about the ending for a little longer but it's pretty much between these two.

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